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العودة   منتديات شمس الحب > ~«®™§¤§منتديات شمس الحب التعليميه§¤§™®»~ > الفصل الدراسي الأول > المرحلة الثانوية

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قديم منذ /01-18-2010, 03:29 PM   #1

عضو نشيط

الصورة الرمزية شاعرة العرب

شاعرة العرب غير متواجد حالياً

 رقم العضوية : 17030
 تاريخ التسجيل : 28 - 3 - 2009
 المشاركات : 64
 الحكمة المفضلة : Saudi Arabia
 SMS :


افتراضي حل جميع أسئلة كتاب الطالب ثاني ثانوي الفصل الأول

أنا : شاعرة العرب

حل جميع أسئلة كتاب الطالب ثاني ثانوي الفصل الأول
الملف مرفق وفيه جميع الحلول للكتاب

وهذه مجرد نبذه من الملف
نماذج اختبار

1.Read the passage and answer the questions:
When the message of Islam was first taken beyond the Arabian peninsula in peace, the enemies of Islam and their armies tried to stop its spread. As the Muslims advanced to the north. they were met by soldiers of the Roman Empire. In 634 AD, the Muslims captured Damascus from them. Soon afterwards they took Jerusalem. They finally defeated the Romans in 636 In the east, the Muslims had to fight the Persian army. From 715 AD, Islam began to spread into Turkey. By 717, it had reached the borders of Europe. In North Africa, the Muslims had to fight against Roman soldiers again. Again they were successful. By 642 AD, northern Egypt was controlled by the Muslims.
A. Answer these questions
1. when did Muslim defeat Romans?
2. How did Islam spread in Arabian Peninsula?
B. Put T or F in front of each sentence:
1. Islam spread in Turkey before it spread in Egypt. ( )
2. In the north, Muslim had to fight the Persian. ( )
2. Complete the missing letters:
The ra__k of private is the lowest one in the ci_il De__ence
1. Choose:
1. ( exercising – exercise ) is fun..
2. you can ( poisoning – scald ) yourself with a boiling water.
3. Thank you ( to – for – on ) your letter.
4. If you eat too much, you will ( become – became) fat.
3. Do as shown in brackets:
1. Nile is ( sea – ocean – river) [ choose the correct answer]
2. death X …………………………… [ write the opposite]
3. Arabic replaced Latin. [ change to passive]
4. Spain was ruled by Muslims. [ change to active]
5. Ali And Sami …………………………………… brothers but they are not. [ complete]

1. sight ( ) a piece of chocolate.
2. sweet ( ) very
3. extremely ( ) to try
4. experiment ( ) the ability to see

( 3 ) - Choose the correct word ;
1-Dammam and Jeddah are both on the ………………………. .
( continent - coast - ocean )
2-There seven …………………….. in the world ; Africa , Europe , Asia, etc .
( continents - coasts - countries )
3 The biggest ………………. is the Pacific . ( coast - ocean - sea )
4 A H means ………………………… . ( Islamic calendar - Gregorian calendar )
e- Beyond means ………………………….. . ( inside - outside )

( 2 ) - Change these sentences from passive to active ;
1- The Muslims were met by the Romans .
2- Jerusalem was taken by the Muslims .
3- Northern Egypt was controlled the Muslims .

( 3 ) – Choose the correct answer ;
a- Latin was ( replace - replaced - replacing ) by Arabic .
b- A letter ( was writing - was written - writes ) by Ahmad .
c- Spain and Portugal ( was ruled - were ruled - ruled ) by the Muslims .

( 4 ) – Correct the verbs ;
a- Damascus was ……………………… by Muslims . ( capture )
b- The parcel was ………………………. by Ali . ( mail )
c- Ali ……………………. a new computer yesterday . ( buy )
d- Arabic …………..…………. Latin . ( replaced )
e- Jerusalem ……………………………….. by Muslims . ( take )

( 5 ) – Choose the correct word ;
1-He asked me ……………………. I was late . ( where - what - if )
2-He asked me if I ……………………. English. ( liked - like - liking )
************************************************************ ********************
( 1 ) – Shorten the following ; ( take out ; who , which , that )
a- Food which contains carbohydrates is usually cheaper than other food .
b- The first army that met advancing Arabs was the Romans army .
c- Those are the trainees who study in this building .
( 2 ) – Shorten the following ; . ( take out ; who , which and that )
a- The first town which Muslims captured was Damascus .
b-The man who I saw was Turkish .
c- The food that we eat is very important .


( ) – Choose the correct word :
a- His mother used to ( make - makes - making ) remedies .
b- We used to ( lives - live - living ) in a traditional house .

شمس الحب

تستطيع المشاركة هنا والرد على الموضوع ومشاركة رأيك عبر حسابك في الفيس بوك

pg [ldu Hszgm ;jhf hg'hgf ehkd ehk,d hgtwg hgH,g hgH,g hgtwg hg'hgf ehkd ehk,d [ldu

الملفات المرفقة
نوع الملف: zip حل اسئله.zip‏ (55.4 كيلوبايت, المشاهدات 19)
آخــر مواضيعـى » أغاني محمد عبده بدون موسيقى،محمد عبده بدون عزف
» صورة ملكة جمال شرق أسيا ((قمة الجمال))
» تحضير رياضيات صف ثاني ابتدائي الفصل الأول جديد
» شرح بوربوينت كامل لعلوم الصف الرابع الابتدائي
» تحضير إنجليزي صف سادس ابتدائي الفصل الأول

لنجعل من قلوبنا صفحات بيضاء يكتب
عليها الناس عبارات الحب, ولنجعل
عيوننا مرايا نوجه من خلالها
الضوء لنقرأ ما عليها".

شاعرة العرب


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تحضير رياضيات صف ثاني ابتدائي الفصل الأول جديد شاعرة العرب المرحلة الإبتدائية 3 01-18-2010 02:02 AM

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